Jahaan Chaar Yaar is a 2022 Hindi-language female buddy comedy-drama film written and directed by Kamal Pandey. The film stars Swara Bhaskar, Meher Vij, Shikha Talsania and Pooja Chopra. The film follows four middle-class housewives who decide to escape their suffocating routine lives by traveling to Goa for a few days to live life on their terms. However, their vacation soon takes a turn when they become embroiled in a dark comedy of errors.
The film was released on September 16, 2022 and received mixed reviews from critics. Some praised the performances of the actresses, the direction, and the story, while others found the film to be too melodramatic and unoriginal.
Overall, Jahaan Chaar Yaar is a light-hearted and entertaining film that explores the themes of female friendship, self-discovery, and empowerment. It is a good choice for viewers who are looking for a fun and heartwarming film with strong female characters.