The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" is a classic horror film that originally released in 1974 and has since spawned several sequels, remakes, and reboots. Set in rural Texas, the movie revolves around a group of young friends who find themselves stranded and terrorized by a family of cannibalistic killers.
The story begins when a group of five friends embarks on a road trip through the desolate Texas countryside. Their journey takes an ominous turn when they pick up a distressed hitchhiker who turns out to be mentally unstable. Fearing for their safety, they quickly kick him out of their van, unknowingly setting off a chain of brutal events.
Seeking help, the group stumbles upon an isolated farmhouse where they hope to find assistance. Little do they know, the farmhouse is home to a deranged and sadistic family, led by the notorious Leatherface. Leatherface, a hulking man wearing a mask made of human skin and wielding a chainsaw, becomes the embodiment of their worst nightmares.