Ustaad (2023) is a Telugu-language coming-of-age drama film directed by Phanideep and starring Sri Simha Koduri and Kavya Kalyanram. The film tells the story of Surya (Koduri), a directionless teenager who finds purpose and direction in life after he buys his first bike, which he names Ustaad.
Surya is a carefree and aimless teenager. He spends his days hanging out with his friends and has no real plans for the future. One day, he sees a bike for sale at a scrapyard and is immediately smitten with it. He buys the bike and names it Ustaad.
Surya's love for Ustaad changes his life. He becomes more responsible and focused. He also starts to dream of becoming a pilot. Surya faces many challenges along the way, but he never gives up on his dreams. With Ustaad by his side, he eventually achieves his goal of becoming a pilot.
Ustaad is a heartwarming story about following your dreams and never giving up. It is a film that will resonate with audiences of all ages.