Tejas is a 2023 Indian Hindi-language action thriller film written and directed by Sarvesh Mewara and produced by Ronnie Screwvala. The film stars Kangana Ranaut in the lead role, alongside Anshul Chauhan and Varun Mitra in supporting roles. The film follows the extraordinary journey of Tejas Gill, an Air Force pilot, and aims to inspire and instill a deep sense of pride in the valiant soldiers who tirelessly defend India, confronting numerous challenges along the way.
Tejas Gill (Kangana Ranaut) is a fearless and skilled fighter pilot who dreams of soaring through the skies and defending her nation. Despite facing initial skepticism and gender-based discrimination within the Indian Air Force, Tejas's unwavering determination and exceptional flying skills earn her the respect of her peers and superiors.
When a critical mission arises to rescue a hostage from enemy territory, Tejas is selected for the perilous task. Accompanied by her co-pilot, Afia (Anshul Chauhan), Tejas embarks on a daring mission filled with high-stakes aerial combat and unexpected twists.
Amidst the thrill of the mission, Tejas grapples with her own personal struggles, including a haunting past that threatens to consume her. But her unwavering focus on her duty and her unwavering belief in her abilities propel her forward.
"Tejas" is a powerful and inspiring story that celebrates the courage, determination, and resilience of the Indian Air Force and its brave pilots. It is a must-watch film for anyone who has ever dared to dream big and overcome adversity.